About Us

About Us

Ningbo Municipal Finance Bureau is the municipal department for financial management in charge of the municipal finance. 

In accordance with the relevant official documents, our main duties are as follows:
1. Implementing the principles and policies of the national laws, rules and regulations about finance as well as accounting affairs.
2. Making medium and  long-term financial plan in accordance with municipal  economic plan and social development strategy; participating in making macroeconomic policies; promoting financial reform and offering financial advice about macro-controlling and the comprehensive balance of social resources.
3. Drafting municipal annual budget and final accounts as well as implementing after approval; Authorized by the local government, reporting to the department of financial budget and  implementation of Ningbo Municipal People’s Congress; reporting to the Standing Committee of People’s Congress for the final accounts.
4. Making plan of financial budget revenue; managing local financial revenues; managing off-budget revenue and municipal special accounts; managing governmental funds and administrative fees; controlling and examining the business of lottery; supervising the implementation of financial budget of sub-bureaus in districts and counties; managing and monitoring the funds for comprehensive agricultural development.
5. Managing and monitoring expenses such as comprehensive agricultural development funds , administrative and institutive expenses, and capital construction expenses; guiding, coordinating and monitoring the municipal government procurement work; guiding and supervising financial activities of government departments; implementing the system of exchequer centralized payment.
6. Undertaking the routine work of the local National Assets Committee; managing and supervising the assets and finance of local enterprises containing national assets, managing and guiding the operation of state-owned assets; undertaking the work of accounts, checking assets and managing property right; responsible for the statistics of financial public resources; responsible for the appointment and management of chief accountant and inspector of leading state-owned enterprises; guiding and controlling the property right and trademark of state-owned assets.
7. Participating in the reform of social security system and making relevant policies; making and implementing financial regulations of social security funds; collecting and allocating social security funds; monitoring the use of social security funds.
8. Managing municipal national debts; responsible for the management and supervision of the local loan provided by foreign governments, World Bank and Asia Development Bank; responsible for the management of non-trade foreign exchange.
9. Managing and guiding the municipal accounting, assets evaluating and auditing; legally monitoring and guiding such intermediaries and associations as certified accountant and certified public accounting companies or associations, assets evaluation associations.
10. Making sound security system of budget revenue, effective supervision system of budget expenses; strengthening financial supervision system.
11. Other tasks assigned by Ningbo municipal government.
